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Official Rooted Alpha 1 Video: 28 Minutes of Gameplay

Get an exclusive look at the official first-ever Rooted Alpha gameplay video. Dive into the exploration of the Monastery and gear up for the upcoming Alpha phases!

All the news > Official Rooted Alpha 1 Video: 28 Minutes of Gameplay

Published on Jun 13, 2024

As we eagerly approach the second phase of Rooted's Alpha, which will introduce the open world and building features, we are thrilled to share this 25-minute gameplay video with you! 

This is a chance for players to discover the world of Rooted through the Monastery: the first point of interest we’ve chosen to showcase to our alpha testers. Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress (WIP), so if you see a tree sticking out of a concrete slab or a placeholder truck popping out of a marketplace, don't worry :) Our team is diligently adding all the necessary details, and what isn't ready today will be ready tomorrow.

In this video, you’ll experience the exploration aspect of Rooted: finding ways to enter buildings, uncovering hidden secrets, and discovering the history of the location. Don’t look for combat or building features just yet – those are coming in the next alpha phases as outlined on our ProductBoard. 

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our community for their unwavering support! 


Take care, 
